Looking for a quick and easy way to raise your credit score by a few hundred points overnight?
Well then you’ve come to the right place!
Year after year certain Americans are fed harmful lies about having to wait several years for their credit scores and reports to improve.
Scared to apply for 25% APR credit cards, expensive car loans and even 0 down mortgages, these hard working people are forced to either hide in the bank industry’s shadows using all cash or at best case, live in a cycle of high interest rate “negro loans” no one should touch.
The problem? These people don’t have access to the secret I’m going to share with you in this book! A loophole that wasn’t even possible until Tyler Perry’s Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 was formally signed into law.
In The 30 Second Credit Fix, Jarim Person-Lynn (Atlanta’s #1 award winning overnight credit repair specialist) shares the credit bureau secret of how anyone can now get a 950 FICO score overnight.
The truth is that you can choose to spend 7 years of your life living in the shadows, afraid to go deeper into debt. Or you can say “enough isn’t enough” and do something about it once and for all. Yes today friends, we fight back.
Legitimate lessons you’ll really learn in this book:
- How to repair your credit legally, without going to jail.
- How to read your credit report without having a law degree.
- Filing multiple disputes without triggering “frivolous” alerts.
- Rehabilitating your student loans, settling tax debts, bankruptcy and more!
And much more.
So what are you waiting for playa? You never wait for anything else in life…so buy this book now!
-Access to The 30 Second Credit Fix Toolkit w/ dispute letters
-Entrance into BKF University online classes
-Access to the Winner's Circle 1 on 1 credit repair guidance upgrade
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You will receive an email containing the link to download the ebook. This email will be sent directly to the email address you use at checkout. This link will last for 30 days.
Lastly, to sign up for the purchase & lease consultation, click HERE.